35. Logos: from Heraclitus to the Stoics

What unifies a universe made up of individual and diverse things? As I previously stated, the main philosophical problem to be solved – throughout history but especially in ancient Greek philosophy – is that of universals also known as the problem of the one and the many.1 (Please read the preceding posts if you haven’t […]

11. Abraham, the Father of Faith

The West considers Socrates the father of philosophy, just as the entire world regards Abraham as the father of faith. The three major monotheistic religions – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – all claim Abraham as their forefather.1 

1. The Harmony and Tension Between Faith and Reason

“What does Jerusalem have to do with Athens? -Tertullian, Church Father (155A.D.-220A.D.) After his 51 A.D. encounter with the Greek philosophers at the Areopagus, the Apostle Paul would probably have answered the above question with, “Not much.” Up until this time, Hebrew faith and Greek philosophy had been developing on parallel paths. It seems as […]